
通过探索人类, 文化, 和环境, you learn to navigate the many facets of crime, 贫困, 和不平等. 在圣. Ambrose, our 社会学 程序 helps you understand our broad world and the forces that shape life. It's an 教育 that empowers confidence and inspires action to address some of the most challenging issues of our time.

我们的毕业生工作 在不同的领域, 比如老化, 教育, 身心健康, 刑事司法, 和宣传. Some of the employers are Generations Area Agency on Aging, 罗伯特·杨中心, 伊利诺斯州 Student Assistance Commission, Shorewood, 第一小学, and Iowa Department of Corrections..


  • Tough Topics, Open Discussions
  • 相关的教育 & 策略
  • Hands-On Research Opportunities
  • Adaptable Liberal Arts Foundation




Social forces continue to evolve and ignite, and at SAU, we hit those subjects head-on. Our 社会学 faculty are committed to providing you with the knowledge, 资源, and opportunities to understand, 挑战, and solve social problems – today and tomorrow.

See our sociology major fact sheet (pdf)


We make an impact on campus and in the community. In 2018, more than 600 students took part in 区别对待 Day and helped 120 campus neighbors get their yards ready for winter. It is work, fun – and so rewarding.

More 信息rmation on the 社会学 Program


You will analyze major social problems including racism and 贫困, learn the theories of addiction, perspectives on death and dying, and about environmental justice. Courses include cultural anthropology, 自我与社会, 越轨行为, 社会组织, 性与性别, 宗教社会学, 种族和民族, 解决冲突.

After completing two foundation courses, you can take part in research. 第三年, you can conduct field research, and some students choose to do an independent study.

Our 社会学 curriculum provides a flexible and adaptable liberal arts foundation. This allows you to professionally understand - and survive - our constantly changing world.

What are some of my unique learning opportunities?

With our new Dual Degree 程序, you can earn a BA in 社会学 and a second degree in 社会工作,四年后. And if your goal is to earn a graduate degree, you may qualify for advanced standing in our 垃圾 程序. In five years, you can earn two undergraduate degrees and a Master of 社会工作.

At SAU, we believe in exploration and the power it has to shape you, personally and professionally. We 挑战 you with transformative experiences that can deepen your appreciation and understanding of different 文化. Learn more about Study Abroad 程序s.

Widen your worldview by attending student, university and community events, 讲座, and discussions on topics that touch lives here and across the world.

Service is fundamental to who we are as a university. 在SAU,你可以 see the world through the eyes of a refugee by helping one acclimate to life in the U.S. 给 a few hours to help campus neighbors prepare their homes for winter, clean litter from an iconic river, stand with your peers to advance social justice. Service expands your vision and understanding of the world, your community, and yourself. It is a perfect fit with 社会学. 现在就开始

If service is included in your future plans, we are one of few universities in Iowa offering 和平队预备, a 程序 that can make you a stronger candidate for volunteer positions within the 和平队 or other service 程序s. You'll gain skills and a cultural worldview that employers value and best of all, most students can earn the certificate - awarded by the 和平队 - without taking extra courses. 和平队预备 is a competitive edge that sets you apart and broadens your opportunities, no matter what path you choose. 点击这里 to learn more or contact your faculty advisor.

伊莎贝尔·瓦特圣. Ambrose 教育 and experience was transformative. 四年后, she grew from her self-description of "naive" to an educated and dedicated social justice advocate who knows who she is, 因为她的立场, and the unlimited potential she holds and will pursue. 2019年12月, Isabel graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in 社会学 degree and a second major in Theology. 读她的故事.

Olivia Bratt ‘15 was active and involved at SAU. 阅读这个故事 about her experience and achievements.

What are some potential career opportunities?

Because sociologists address some of the most challenging issues of our time, it is an expanding field and fully open to those who craft policies and create 程序s. 社会学 majors have excellent social research skills that are highly valued by public, 私人, 或者非营利组织. You can also apply those sociological perspectives in the fields of business, 医疗保健, 刑事司法, 社会服务, 和政府.

Other career paths include human 资源, marketing, and public relations.

Your sociology degree is a strong academic base for advanced degrees in sociology, 社会工作, 法律, 和咨询, which expand your career opportunities.

  • 汤娅·博茨,15岁 is attending Loyola University in Chicago.
  • 詹姆斯·约斯特,14岁 在ISACorps工作, an 伊利诺斯州 state agency outreach group that assists students with as much of the college process as possible. Part of his responsibilities involves giving presentations and mentoring students at high 学校 throughout the state.
  • Kaitlyn Koniuszy '11她在圣. 竞技宝app下载安装 in 2014 and works at Children's 首页 + Aid in Belleville, 伊利诺斯州, as an Adoption Preservation Therapist.
  • 斯宾塞山'10 is a Product Analyst at Allsteel in Muscatine, Iowa.

Regina Matheson,博士,教授

What have alumni of this 程序 done?
  • 汤娅·博茨,15岁 is attending Loyola University in Chicago.
  • 詹姆斯·约斯特,14岁 在ISACorps工作, an 伊利诺斯州 state agency outreach group that assists students with as much of the college process as possible. Part of his responsibilities involves giving presentations and mentoring students at high 学校 throughout the state.
  • Kaitlyn Koniuszy '11她在圣. 竞技宝app下载安装 in 2014 and works at Children's 首页 + Aid in Belleville, 伊利诺斯州, as an Adoption Preservation Therapist.
  • 斯宾塞山'10 is a Product Analyst at Allsteel in Muscatine, Iowa.     


Bachelor of Arts Degree in 社会学 (31 credits)

View 社会学 courses and descriptions in the course catalog

+SOC 101 Introduction to 社会学
SOC 200研究方法 in 社会学 and 刑事司法
SOC 430 Data Analysis in Social Research (4 credits)

At least one course from each of the following categories:
Self and Society: SOC 220, 235, 375
Social Organization and Change: SOC 210, 260, 360
Structures or Opportunity and Inequality: SOC 325, 340, 350, 365

An additional six credits of sociology 

Minor in 社会学 (15 credits)

Requirements for a 社会学 Minor:
15 semester credits of sociology, 包括SOC 101, and an additional 12 credits of sociology with at least 3 credits at the 300-level.


An additional three credits of sociology
+ = satisfies general 教育 requirement

点击这里 to read course descriptions for 社会学


This is the suggested plan of study to graduate in four years with a degree in 社会学. This plan assumes the student has not satisfied the foreign language requirement of taking three years of foreign language in high school.


SOC 101社会学入门 3 SOC 220, 235, or 375* Or SOC 210, 260, 360* 3
ENGL 101 English Composition 3 Oral Communication (COMM 129, 132, 230, 228, or 329) 3
哲学和神学 3 选修/2nd Major/Minor Course* 3
外语101 3 外语102 3
nss101新生研讨会 1 数学131或171 3
IL 101信息素养 1 KIN 149健康概念 1
总学分 14 总学分 16


SOC 220, 235, or 375* Or SOC 210, 260, 360* 3 SOC 325,340,350或365* 3
SOC 200 * 3 SOC 430(前置SOC 200) 4
选修/2nd Major/Minor Course 3 选修/2nd Major/Minor Course 3
#人文 3 创造性的艺术 3
自然科学 3 哲学和神学 3
的活动 1-2
总学分 16-17 总学分 16


社会学理论 3 SOC, engl101 9学分 社会学选择性* 3
选修s/2nd Major/Minor Courses* 9 选修s/2nd Major/Minor Courses* 9
菲尔/西奥 3 #人文 3
总学分 15 总学分 15


社会学选择性* 3 社会学研讨会 3 Soc 301, Soc 430, engl 101
选修s/2nd Major/Minor Courses* 9 选修/2nd Major/Minor Course* 9
菲尔/西奥300 + 3
总学分 15 总学分 15

*Needs SOC 101 as prerequisite
# 人文学科 courses must be from two different departments

BSW-社会学 Dual Degree Program

With our new Dual Degree 程序, you can earn a BA in 社会学 and a second degree in 社会工作. 

We've created a dual degree 程序 that allows you to earn a degree in 社会学 and second degree in 社会工作, 都是在四年内. This well-integrated 程序 connects the two degrees and leads to a successful career.

Our 32-credit hour BSW 程序 focuses on generalist practice, which means you'll gain skills that allow you to practice in various settings: hospitals, 临床的设置, 学校, 社会服务机构, 和更多的. You'll build 社会工作 practice skills that encompass an empowerment philosophy and allow you to work with individuals, 家庭, 组, 组织, and communities in a variety of settings with diverse populations.  

You'll take part in a culminating experience and internship. Our BSW students complete 400 hours of fieldwork, which lets you apply what you've learned in the classroom in real-world situations before graduation. You'll get to explore your interests, strengths, and fit within the diverse field of 社会工作. In addition, your BSW could lead to advanced standing in our accredited 垃圾项目, which means you could earn your graduate degree in one year, instead of two. That makes your 教育 more accelerated and affordable.

Talk to your advisor for more information.


This is the suggested 毕业计划 in four years with a BSW degree with a major in 社会学. This plan assumes you haven't satisfied the foreign language requirement (three years of foreign language in high school).


KIN 149健康概念 1 SOC 220自我与社会 3
数学171元素. 功能 3 人文学科 3
外语101 3 外语102 3
SOC 101社会学入门 3 IL 101信息查询 1
西奥/菲尔。100 - 200 3 PSCI美国政府 3
ENGL 101作文 3 COMM 129, 132, 203, 228, or 329 3
总计 16 总计 16


BIOL 101+Lab Principles of Biology 4 SOC 430+Lab Data Analysis in Social Research 4
SOC 200研究方法 3 人文学科 3
SOC 260社会组织 3 SOC选修 3
SWK 201 Intro to 社会工作 3 SOC 340种族和民族 3
西奥/菲尔。100 - 200 3 THEO/PHIL/Catholic Studies/Peace & 正义 3
总计 16 总计 16


选修 3 SWK 310 Social Welfare and Policy 3
SWK 330 Generalist Practice I: Individuals 3 SWK 333 Generalist Practice II 3
创造性的艺术 3 西奥/ PHIL /导管研究/和平 & 正义300 -水平 3
SWK 360多样性 3 SOC选修 3
SWK 320 HBSE I: Birth to Adolescence 3 SWK 325 HBSE II: Families and Groups 3
总计 15 总计 15


swk400现场指导1 3 SWK 336 Generalist Practice III 3
swk402实地研讨会1 1 SWK 401 Field Instruction II 3
WI-SWK 340 社会工作 Research  3 swk403实地研讨会II 1
WI-社会学理论 3 WI-SOC 407研讨会 3
的活动 1 选修 3
选修 3
总计 14 总计 13 


WI =写密集型


在圣. Ambrose, Mikka discovered her deep passion for social justice. She hosted events to support victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, and 程序s to promote self-confidence and self-actualization. 尽管如此, 还有更多, she was awarded the Undergraduate Social Action Award from the Sociologists for Women in Society. SAU’s commitment to diversity and inclusion enhanced her own sense of empowerment. “St. Ambrose and the support for our 程序s is amazing," she said.

伊莎贝尔瓦茨-移动图像 伊莎贝尔·沃茨大头照


Bachelor of Arts, 社会学 and Theology,研究生 student,Class of 2019

在圣. 竞技宝app下载安装, Isabel became an educated and dedicated social justice advocate who knows who she is, 因为她的立场, and the unlimited potential she holds and will pursue.


应用 访问 信息


妮可Pizzini, PhD, Chairperson

社会学 and 刑事司法
518 W. 蝗虫圣.
达文波特,IA 52803


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